Owning a house is bliss and when it is designed to your taste what more one could have asked for. If you are a housewife your tastes could be many and you would want all your tastes and likes to be incorporated. The lady of the house would want a nice living room, bedroom, dining room and most importantly a spacious kitchen and well lit, well ventilated and awesome looking bathroom with amazing bathroom fitting. This could be just a wish list which she would want to be fulfilled and she can have another reason to smile. The kitchen is more so a ladies domain where she spends her maximum time, of course cooking. The bathroom is a domain used by maximum people and its maintenance is very critical and lays on the lady of the house. The kitchen and bathroom installation needs to be carried out in such a manner that it is least prone to any kind of wear and tear or in other words degradation of some kind. But your task is to be on guard all the times for any kind of degradation or decomposition happening specially incase of some water leakage. This should be very keenly looked into, as if they are ignored they will be turn out to be a very big load on the pocket.
When you own your own house it becomes very critical that you take care of the smallest things as well apart from the big ones. Bathroom fittings are very expensive and you can’t let them just rot anywhere and wait for something terrible to happen. When the bathroom fitting is happening in your bathroom, just spend 10-15 mins with your bathroom fitters to get a little lowdown on the upkeep and maintenance of the bathroom fitting. This will give you a better chance of getting a long life with your bathroom fittings and you will also be cautious in using them delicately. Also, if you have kids in the house it will be good if you give a small training to them as well where they will handle these fittings carefully.
Changing the quality of the bathroom’s light can be accomplished through new window treatments, light colored walls (soft and pale shades are the most popular small luxury bathroom) and light fixtures.